Watering your lawn.

The most important thing any lawn needs to maintain good color and health throughout the year is water. On average, your turf requires one inch of water per week. This includes any rainfall that occurs. When you water, early morning is the best time. This allows the...

When to fertilize?

With our warm season grasses (Centipede, St. Augustine, Bermuda and Zoysia), it is best to wait until the grass has completely greened up in the spring before applying any fertilizer. This is usually mid April in our region. Fertilizing too early (before green up) can...

May/June Newsletter

Want more in-depth information about proper watering techniques and lawn care practices? Check out our blog Grass Roots Blog. Interested in finding out more about our new fire ant and mosquito applications? Visit our website grassrootslawn.com. If you have a specific...

Why is my northwest Florida lawn not thriving?

There is no magic cure for lawn problems. Most people will experience frustration with their lawn at some point in time in northwest Florida. Some people are continually frustrated with the condition of their lawn. There are many reasons why our turf grasses are, at...